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Where is the menu that hides the script? (pc)

I saw it on my mobile

Great question. I'm trying to figure that out. Based on 30 minutes of Google searching, looks like other devs have also been asking about this but I haven't come across an answer yet. I'll keep poking at it. 

Hey there. Do you know of any other Renpy based games that can hide the UI on Android? I've been looking for two days and have not figured out how to do this.

(1 edit)

Will there be another update?The plot is so intriguing!


Yup! Latest update is currently in early access for patrons but will be available here on Itch around January 23rd (give or take a day). 

Deleted 1 year ago

I miscalculated. Today is 30 days after Early Release, so it's out today! Happy early birthday! :D

Hi there. Where to find walkthrough on android version?

That is a great question! I think I'm going to have to make it available as a separate download. I'll try to do that later today. 

Thank you sooo much 😊


Sorry this took so long. I'm traveling and had to download a backup of the game, pull the Walkthrough out, and then upload it. But it is now available in the files section here on Itch.Io.

It's ok 😊 thank you so much! 😊

good morning does anyone know how to be with cop nick?

Hey there! There is a walkthrough file in the main game directory that will tell you how to unlock that scene. 


can you have sex with your boss?


Yes! Details for unlocking this are in the Walkthrough file included with the game. So far, all of the characters in the story are potential love interests.


Thank you so much for confirming this because he is easily the hottest choice in my eyes, and there's nothing worse than being teased and taunted without a guaranteed direction. :)


i think this is the best MLM focused game i've ever played so far! really well written story and interesting characters! can't wait for the next update and thank you for this great game


Oh wow. Thank you! That means a lot. I'm working hard to get the next update finished before the holidays. I know it's been awhile. 


Hey, this game was awesome! congrats!!

Thank you! More to come soon!

What patreon tier do you have to be to unlock the extra characters?

(1 edit) (+1)

You don't need to be a patron to unlock the characters; everyone gets the FULL story and ALL characters. The patron-sponsored characters are those that were created with a handful of patrons who donated at a higher level but they are gradually being integrated into the story. Players/readers do not need to pay anything to unlock them. Other than early access, I will never paywall anything with BBN.

Edit/PS:  The patron-sponsored characters currently integrated into the game are Connor and Seth. A third will be introduced in the next update, and the final two to come in the following updates.

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm really loving this so far! I wasn't prepared to actually like this as much as I did but you proved me wrong with great dialogue and nice characters.. I was instantly hooked from the first chapter. Cannot wait for more! <3 
This might be a stupid question but is there gonna be a choice to choose a partner later on? I happened to instantly fall for Connor, gotta love a man in a uniform and his sneaky personality.. but in the latest chapter there was no choice to just have sex with him, without Seth? I didn't wanna leave him alone with Seth because of jealousy so I chose the threesome option. This might just be unpopular opinion since I'm not into threesome if I happen to like one of the characters too much to actually share but thought I could ask. :D I simply wanted Connor to own Alex's ass and I'd let him~
But I'm loving the dynamic between Nick and Ronan too, those snarky comments and possessive behavior from Ronan are just gold. Also loving that Alex is a bottom since I prefer that myself, nice to see others smash that sweet ass. 


I'm glad to have surprised you then! Honestly, I realize the game isn't everyone's cup of tea, whether it's the genre, two-character POV, whatever., but I'm glad people are trying it out to see what they think.

On partners and love interests, great question. My current plan is to avoid a traditional "primary love interest" sort of dynamic in part because the endings I have planned deal more with Alex's decisions regarding Mayhew's offer, what he discovers, and what he decides to do with the information he learns. Who winds up being by Alex's side at the end will depend on those choices. Some choices are going to simply be incompatible with some of the characters' personalities. At least, that's my plan.

On Connor/Seth/jealousy, I hope you'll forgive me but I'm actually tickled people are having this reaction. On one hand, I want people to like Seth, too, and I hope that will come along as his character is better developed and gains more depth. But, on the other, I'm glad some people are having that jealous reaction as it was very much intended for those who want to play it that way. And we'll see how that unfolds but it is very intentional and there is a direction it is heading -- one that I think will make most people happy.


Just started now up to Chapter 3 and loving it!  Amazing images, hot scenes and already enjoying the characters.  Looking forward to playing more, but going to pace myself so I'm not left chomping at the bit for more XD


Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying it! The chapters start to get a big longer as you go, too, with more depth coming to the characters and the story. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback when you're done!

Just got to the end of Chapter 11, and damn this is one helluva hot game!!!!!!

Just wondering if you were going to be including any hairy men in later chapters?


Yes! I can't share the pics here on Itch as they have full nudity but if you look on Twitter I shared a redesign of Santino with some body hair. I'll use that model for future scenes and plan to go back and update his earlier scene. 

So glad you liked it! 

To Twitter I must go!  XD


Hi, I havent gotten too far into the game, but have really enjoyed this so far. One of the better gay games ive come across this year. Im kinda scared that the progress so far wont be as much as i hope, and ill end up finishing the game to soon.

The reason for leaving this comment was actually, for what ive readso far Alex seems to be a bottom. I definitely prefer reading w/ the mc as a top, but even if he was a switch or something that would be great. Or if hes a bottom with some characters and a top with others. The games doesnt seem to have too many choices so i kinda doubt ill be able to choose. This isnt a deal breaker for me, Ill probably still finish it, but i thought id ask anyway.

This game seems so promising so far, hope it all doesnt just end too soon.


Glad you're liking it! There are 11 chapters in the game right now (or 10.5 if you count that I'm working on a second part of Chapter 11).

I will say Alex is written primarily as a bottom BUT... A lot of folks are asking for him to top (at least once in a while), so I am working on scenes (plural) where he is going to top. One of which is planned for Chapter 12.


Yey, Connor scene! And a threesome no less.... Oh my~


Wow, this is so much bigger and more cohesive than when I played it before the summer. Great job !! Can't wait for next update.

I have a question... What options do I use to get the 'mature' result of Chapter 6? I feel I tried all combinations!

Thanks for trying it again and I'm so glad you liked it! 

There is a walkthrough text file in the game directory that explains how to unlock that scene. I may have made it too difficult with a seemingly unrelated choice in a previous chapter. 

Let me know if you have trouble finding the walkthrough file. 

Thanks a million!
I should have found that txt file myself tbh


Love the update.  3 way was well done.  I am loving the story and looking forward to more.

Thanks!!! Writing the next update is well underway. 


Is there a plan to flashback and see Ronan's creation story?  I find myself wondering why he got involved with Mayhew and how he see's things from his perspective.  He is scary and unbalanced, but I find myself routing for him for some reason.

Wow! Great question. I know what his backstory/creation story is but I didn't have any plans to put all of it into BBN because people seemed to have such an initial negative reaction to a second POV character, I wasn't going to do more (never was planning on it, actually, but just made me anxious about even having Nick as POV). But...

I have been thinking about trying to do a creation story for Mayhew (probably once the main story concludes), but maybe I could do something for Ronan, too. There is another VN of which I am a huge fan, and the creator for that has done mini side-games you can download separately to get those other perspectives and stories. (I'm actually glad to hear that. I don't want any of the characters to be so very clearly "This guy is good, that guy is evil.") 

(1 edit)

I was thinking the same thing.  A side story not critical to the main game.  I was also interested in Mayhews story.   Immortality has always interested me.   As far as good/evil it is complicated and a little boring.  The middle gray area is where the fun is.


Are romance routes already planned between characters (are certain characters not allowed to be romanced?) for example Ronan and Nick and Alex all together at once or Ronan and Alex or Ronan and Nick?

Great question! I'm not sure how to answer that at the moment. Hmm....

I guess I'll say that in general arcs are planned, but inspiration sometimes strikes. I want to provide folks with as many options as I can without over-committing myself to different paths and scenes.


It's a great game!Thank you so much for your effort !

Thank you! Next update with Chapter 11 will be out in just a couple weeks and I'm working on the next update as well.

Hi. I installed this game( android version) and I think the story is great but is there anyway for me to put down the text like I can only see the image cause the text takes up almost half my screen and I can't see from legs down sometime and it kinds kills the mood hahaha

Wow! Great question. I only recently added Android support so resolving some of these issues is very new to me.

It looks like there isn't an easy way to do this, but after some research it looks like I can add a choice to the quick menu to hide the text. I also need to turn off the custom names for save games for android builds, as it sounds like that is eating up a lot of screen space for some folks and making it basically impossible to save games at all.

So, short version is, I don't think there is a way to do this presently for Android (on Windows and Mac you just hit the "H" key) but I'll try to build in this feature for the next release. 

Okay. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I've added some code that should fix this by adding a "Hide" option to the quick menu at the bottom of the screen. Thanks for telling me.

Hii. Thank you for the fast respose, but i cant see the hide option at the bottom of the screen. 

oh yeah, it's not there now. I'm going to have to include it in the next build. 

OHHH okayokay I misunderstood it. THANK YOU 

Hello. I installed the android version 0.5.2a into my android emulator and it created a separate icon instead of replacing version 0.5.  The new version cannot access my previous save files.  Can I transfer them to the latest version or do I have to start over? Thanks!

Hey there Zeb. I'm trying to figure this out. Sorry you're having the issue and thanks for telling me.

Don't know if it helps, but I'm using BlueStacks 5 android emulator on my PC.  Also, I noticed there were some changes to chapter 1, so more than likely I'll start over regardless.  :-)


Thanks and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. So far I haven't had much luck finding a resolution to this. It may be something with the emulator or I changed something in the coding between versions that somehow made the saves incompatible (though I don't think I did anything too wild). If you're on a PC, though, you should be able to play and run the PC version and I haven't heard of the issue there.


Definitely enjoying the twists and turns here, as well as the characters. I really liked Mayhew's intro after the, for lack of a better term, shape of him being all that was visible. Finished chapter ten and Ronen better step off or imma slap that boi with the supernatural equivalent of a restraining order.


Hmm. Restraints might be just what he needs... ;)

Glad you're enjoying it and thanks so much for the comment!

Ha ha ha ha; well if I can knock him down a peg (or just peg him) then the S-Tier perf scenario is still on the table (Roe, Nick, Conner, Alex fourway.) ;)


Just finished playing the current version of the game, and I have to say that I am very pleasantly surprised by it. The story is very interesting, and it's becoming more and more intriguing as the game progresses. The dialogue and descriptions are very well written, which greatly enhances the experience. The characters are nicely fleshed out [in more ways than one ;) ] and have a lot of potential. I love that they aren't just simple one-dimensional characters that are either good or evil. They are more profound, which makes for much more interesting interactions. There's actually quite a lot of humor in those interactions too, had me laughing out loud several times. 

Ronan's and Nick's story is very compelling, I look forward to see how it will develop. On Alex's side, I am currently most interested in his relationship with Connor. I love their flirtatious quipping and back-and-forth jokes (no to mention the smoldering looks that Connor throws at Alex) , so I'll hope we will get to see more of that in later chapters. 

Oh, and of course the erotic scenes themselves are great too. I like that you have a choice how far and how fast you want to take it with each character. 

I'm happy that I came across this novel, and I'm excited to see more. Great job and keep up the good work!

I just realized I never said "thank you" for this! I'm so sorry! Thank you!

it mentions dominant/submissive relationships. Is that a choice I can make myself or are they character locked? because I would like to be the dominant one for example

(1 edit)

Thanks for asking. I didn't announce it, but with the Chapter 10 update I added a system into the game to track what I'm calling Alex's Dom/sub score. In chapter 10, it influenced some of Ronan's dialogue. In later chapters, for some of the characters who are "verse," Alex can  take a more Dom role, but it will depend on the other character(s) in the scene.


I just finished chapter 10 and the quality of this game reminds me of SpaceCorpsXXX by RanliLabz. I really am blown away by what a single person can accomplish (you definitely should be proud of the work you have done thus far). I'm really looking forward to the next update.

Thank you so much! I love SpaceCorps too!


Connor is so beautiful. Please don't ruin my baby! I love Roe and Nick's story too, I had to stop playing to take a break cause it was too heart wrenching.

Wow! I'm so glad you felt that way about Nick and Roe. I do think it's sad because they truly loved one another, but there were very deep flaws. We'll find out how it unfolds!

As for Connor, lol! Don't worry too much. I'm not going to be doing any body horror in BBN.

Thanks for the comment. 


This is really well made. I was not expecting dialogue of this quality, and thus far all the characters are really well executed and quite compelling. This is definitely one to watch and I'm excited to see where you will take it. Have you developed a road map/do you know how many chapters you are expecting to have overall? 

I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for the kind words. 

As for a road map, the way I've phrased it is there is a destination (four specific endings are planned and outlined) and I've got some destinations to hit on the way there with some guideposts. I don't have an outline by chapter but I know where I'm going, though I'm also taking feedback that is consistent with the story I want to tell into consideration (eg, a character needs more development, etc.).

We've got two or three more chapters to wrap up Act 1, then I'll begin working on Act 2. At this pace and with what I have planned, I expect development will take another 18 months or so. 

(3 edits) (+1)

Interesting ... - very, very interesting.

Looks like it might just become possible to build a relationship between Alex, Connor, Nick, and even with Ronan included despite being a complete asshole.

I am more and more surprised with your exceptional work, which is in the process of becoming almost even in a way revolutionary compared to the universe of Novels that has been until now heterosexually closed and dulgent towards other genres, thus blocking all options.

With your Novel you reverse this power by making us equal in all points of view without exception.

Well played !

You are definitely the best, and I really have no doubts now. 

Take good care of you young friend. 


when is the chapter 10 update?


I'll have it up shortly!


(1 edit) (+1)

Definitely, I'm really completely in love with this game-novel ... - between Alex, Connor and Ronan ... They are absolutely gorgeous guys. (whatever, practically all the others are very cute too ...)

The choice is far too hard ... - but Connor is still my favorite. (in addition he looks a bit like my husband, in real life ...)

Tell me, are you becoming a perfectionist ...? - then there were many very big changes. (I reassure you, it's in the right direction)

Your work even becomes extremely surprising, it no longer has any relation to what it was at the beginning.

Any atmosphere (the background of the story), all these themes and feelings that are there, are all very surprisingly well merged. - nobody can say the opposite, your passion / your heart is there one hundred percent for sure. 

Take good care of you young mate. 


true connor is hot


Woot, so excited!  Need to restart, as my aged brain has forgotten most of the story.


Fortunately you can now name your save games, so hopefully that will help a little, and Chapter 10 comes out in a couple weeks.

(1 edit)

When Connor looks at me with those blue eyes, the answer is yes.


I actually did some research on the design of his eyes and why they're so striking. The dark ring around the iris is called a limbal ring. At some point, I'm going to include a reference to it but haven't had the opportunity yet.


all new release are just "fixing old chapters issues" and a few seconds of gameplay, feel like wasting my money...

(2 edits) (+3)

Hi Vitoco. 

I'm sorry to hear you were unhappy with the benefits you received as a Patron. It looks like you were a patron in the month of May and cancelled at the end of the same month, so you were a Patron when Build 0.4 was provided on May 4 for 30-day early access. By "fixing old chapters," I assume you mean the reshoot of Chapter 1, which took about a week of development work and was also done in May.

For me as a development team of one person, Build 0.4 was a pretty big update of new content containing Chapters 7 and 8 with roughly 800 images and 2000 lines of dialogue and menu choices. If that was only a "few seconds" for you and was unsatisfying, then it definitely sounds like this isn't the project for you. 

I'm sorry it wasn't the right project for you, and I hope you are able to find other content/developers you're more happy with! Best, BBN.


I'm simping Connor and Luke :v


Sure the images look great but so do the images in most of these VNs. The difference here is that the sex itself is also pretty damn solid (not animation, the text describing it, which imo is even hotter) and most importantly the plot and the dialogue is very good. You will not be rolling your eyes trying to skip to the next sex scene. Plus the updates so far have all had a decent mix of plot and sex. Very promising.

thanks Nymrod!


I must say, playing the first build and now the latest update, that this VN is really going to places. It started a little slow, but now it's already a 'must play'. 👏


Thank you! I’ll be the first to admit I’ve learned a lot in the last few months. Thanks for trying it again!

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, I love this game! Such great characters, amazing writing, really sexy art/scenes and a really interesting story!   It's so refreshing to see a 'small' game like this with all of the above considering they usually lack one or two of those. 

I will be following it very closely, you have my respects! 

As a small constructive criticism (without spoilers) I would suggest to maybe try to improve the appearance of the werewolf, maybe make his 'nose' more of a snout, and overall make him a little more wolf and a little less ape (hope Im not offending you, just a thought). I dont understand anything about making this type of games/vn, and I guess it must be difficult, so I totally get it if you dont do it. This is entirely optional, but it would be great to have some options to top some of the characters!

Keep up the great work!!

Not offending me at all! It's hard for me to respond to without going into spoiler detail but if you swing by our Discord and ask in the Spoilers channel, I'd be happy to talk about it some more. For now here on some public forums without the ability to drop it into a spoiler, I'll say there were some technical reasons behind that decision as well as an in-game reason. But, you're not alone with not being particularly wild about that model (it's not my ideal, either). If a better model comes along that works for what I needed to do in that particular scene, I will probably go back and update it.


Great! Ill definitely swing by the Discor. Nice to see you so responsive :)

Is there a Werewolf? Who is it?

(1 edit) (+1)

There is at least one werewolf.
As to who he is (or they are)... I won't spoil it but you can find out in this build.

Will the werewolf be romanceable/have a route?



Oh, this gets more and more interesting!

(2 edits) (+1)

I am always so pleasantly surprised at the evolution, this addition of background story about their lives and certain relationships will have made them even more interesting in several ways. It even makes them in a certain sense even more charming.  (it gives them more character)

The story in general is really becoming very influenced by all these series and movies in the genre of "Supernatural", "True Blood", etc ... - I'm very passionate about this stuff.
Definitely, I really love your job. Moreover, I could see that you made a very good choice concerning your contributors / traveling companions in this exceptional work.

Take good care of you.
I leave you a big hug.


Living this! Keep it up! 💖💖💖

Thanks, Ia! I can't wait to get build 0.4 out to everyone! I think you'll love it.


Definitely, with "Summer Vacation" are among the best game-novels that I have played / that I have known. - with the young Erwin (the creator of this other game-novel) you make me proud to be part of the old gamer generation and also gay.

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this such intense pleasure.

You really do honor to our small community, which despite everything remains as strong and united.

tem NSFW?

NSFW = Not Safe For Work (generally a reference to explicit adult content). In other words, don't play this at work or on an employer-provided device.

(1 edit)

This game seem interesting are you considering Android version.


Hi there! I am, yes. I tried to do it with this build but encountered a lot of errors when trying to create the distributable files. Obviously it shouldn’t be too hard to do so I’m sure it was user error on my part. Once I have build 0.4 out to patrons, this is something I’m going to try to research further and see if I can do. 

That said, if you go to f95zone, someone created an android port hthat you could download there. 

As it happens... I may have finally figured this out. If so, Build 0.4 will roll out with an Android build. Unfortunately, I don't have an android device on which to test compatibility, but I'll try to include it as an option.

Can't you send it? To some one to test it.

From a technical perspective, yes, it would be that easy. But with the way I’m developing the game it’s a little more complicated. I’m a team of one and I’m a stuck on Windows and iOS. I could send a build to someone else to test, but (a) I don’t know anyone I trust with that and (b) builds of BBN are released to supporting patrons for a 30-day early access benefit. There isn’t anyone I know well enough to just send them an advance copy to test in a way that I’d be confident would protect and honor the benefit my patrons are expecting and paying for.

However, like I said, someone has already ported 0.3b to Android (I gave a link to the thread on another website). And because there is an interest in an android port, I’ll try to include an android build with 0.4; it will probably work fine, but I can’t absolutely promise it will. Fortunately, you don’t need to pay anything here on Itch before downloading something. So if it works, great! If not, not so great but also no money out of your pocket.

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