Hmm. You're the second person to say that. With past releases, it's usually been a storage issue on the device, but in this case I would say go to my Patreon page and download it from the public links available there (Mega or Media Fire). I'll try to re-upload the android file here sometime soon though and perhaps that will fix it.
I hope Google translate worked for me. Four endings are planned but I haven't disclosed what those might mean for what Alex can become.
Espero que o Google Tradutor tenha funcionado para mim. Quatro finais estão planejados, mas não revelei o que eles podem significar para o que Alex pode se tornar.
I played a lot of gay games but this is incredible. One of few greatest I've played. Everything here is awesome, especially the action-horror story is amazing and the sex scenes are extremelly turning on. So that I've had a dizzy. I'm glad that there is no straight or bi sex shown in the game. I'm looking forward to play the rest of BBN :)
I'm so glad you got it to work and enjoyed it! I've tried to do something different with the story and am so glad when people discover BBN and have this kind of reaction. ❤️
Pleasure is all mine :) Your game have my highest notes in every category.
I finished playing 2 days ago but I steel have the images before my eyes and I'm thinking of it constantly. The sex scenes are nearly perfect (the only thing is that it is pity that in threesome Conors cum is wasted...).
I hope that in completed game will be no straight or bi sex couse it would have been for me much disappointing.
Now I could donated You only 10 bucks here on Itch (witch I did) and I know I isn't much but I hope I will be able to donate You more soon :)
I'm sorry you're having that trouble. If you're having an issue downloading the files from Itch, that's probably something that needs to be directed to Itch's support team ( What I can recommend based on others experience though is trying to download via the links on my Patreon page. If you're downloading to an android, ensure you have enough available storage.
I really loved this update with Mayhew! Even more than with Ronan (who was my favourite LI) I did not really trust him (I still don't) but after this chapter he has become the best developed charater in my opinion. I really like everything about him, except for the posibility of becoming one more of his possessions. I never thought I'd say this, but he would be amazing as a main love interest, since he is one of the most interesting characters. The problem is that I don't want the MC to become yet another one of his minions. I wish there was a love route with him where you ended up becoming an elder to be with him as an equal, even if it became morally gray at times (elders play by different rules after all!). Cherry on top would be Mayhew gifting Ronan to be our faithful pet.
Keep up the great work. This update has convinced me to support on patreon, perhaps next month or in February when I get paid again, since I am still paying for all the christmas presents and food!
Ahhhhh literally this!!!I have such a soft spot for a polt like ,,a vampire that hasn't felt love for centuries and is convinced that they can't suddenly is all silent panic over the realization that they have in fact fallen in love"<3
And I know that's probably unlikely to happen cuz this isn't technically a romance game but a bestie can dream (T▽T)
Love hearing this feedback from both of you! As the nominal antagonist in BBN, writing Mayhew is always a challenge. Striking a balance between menace and allure with a backstory that contains a fair amount of dark choices but still has a bit of moral ambiguity to it. But I spent a lot of time thinking about and researching his backstory, and it was fun to put a lot of it out there in this chapter. So glad you loved it.
Love this game! And now I shall wait for Act 2 to be finished to then replay this game (I'm very patient, I know).
Seeing the Connor/Alex/Seth scene give me hope that in the future poly/open relationship is possible. And Ronan is such an arrogant bastard, I hope the good doctor manage to tear down his walls and possibly date him or get him and Nick back together, or at the very least get him as far away from Luke as possible. Speaking of Nick, the font confused me at first and thought that his name is Mick and I was like "what?" Lol.
At any rate, I shall come back to this page once in a blue moon to see if Act 2 is finished (obviously won't be any time soon lol) and to avoid spoilers as much as possible. Great game. 10 out of wolf dick would get knotted again.
So glad you liked it! Poly/open is kind of the default as fundamentally this is not a dating game, but I am looking at adding two possible monogomy routes. Not better or worse, just a different path for those who want it.
This game is awesome! Engaging story and characters everywhere you go. Will there be a harem route or you keeping it monogamous or friends with benefits situation?
I'm just now looking at implementing an optional monogomy route with a couple of characters, so it will mostly remain open but there are a couple of characters how, if you're "faithful", you'll get a slightly different ending. Not better or worse, I hope, but different.
I was sympathetic to Ronan, up until about chapter 10.
Now obviously Luke and Ronan are meant to be your morally ambiguous 'for the greater good' type antagonists, or at least, that's how their actions are framed. Up until chapter 10, I even believed that I might have the rug pulled out from under me and things weren't so black and white as they seemed. Obviously, there's some wider public benefit to the whole 'creatures' thing being kept under wraps, but ultimately it does serve Mayhew's own goals. But Ronan? Whose goal is (apart from Mayhew's whole... deal) Nick's safety and happiness? The man who is violently opposed to the idea of sacrificing a single life?
Yeah, dude, I get there's a whole vampire elder mind-control issue going on, but there's a whole lack of remorse for the things you've done willingly. I don't see anyone really letting that slide any time soon, especially not Nick.
I could be wrong about all of this, of course. There is dialogue about getting Nick and Ronan back together (or at least trying). And there's still plenty of rug left to pull. Happened with the truth about our good Italian doctor. Genuinely did not see that one coming.
Honestly, very impressed with what's been happening so far. The major characters all have solid enough motivations (my 'review' of his character, aka personality, is not my opinion of the character itself), the story is well-paced and picks off loose threads in a way that doesn't feel forced (e.g., how does Nick know about vampires; established early on, partly cleared up in chapter 11). All in all, eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Thanks for writing this and so glad you're enjoying it! There are always pro-vampire or pro-human sentiments, but Ronan's character seems to inspire the most divergent views, which I'm enjoying. We all view characters through the prisms of our own experiences and if I've managed to write these characters with enough depth that people are drawing different conclusions, I feel like that's a success! I know who he is, but it's a lot of fun for me to see how others are interpreting what they've seen so far. Not saying you're wrong or right (or that there is a wrong or right; people are complicated), but I love reading it. Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 13 will go public in about a week, which is almost entirely a 1-on-1 with Luke Mayhew. I wonder if it'll change any views!
So, character-wise, assuming that everything Luke said, for every question Alex asked, he told the truth, it would seem he's quite the tragic guy. But of course, Mayhew knows how to twist the truth - he's an Elder. So it's possible it's a half-truth, meant to allay Alex's curiosity, much like Alex can only half-promise to work with Mayhew.
As a person, when it comes to 'bad things for the right reasons,' in real life, these things are pretty cut and dry for me. Luke speaks of not wanting to become a monster, and even admits that he's always on the edge. He's hot, and charming, and tragic, which means he's perfect for a lot of people, but I wouldn't say he's for me.
Now as characters, the layers you added in this chapter are wonderful, for Ronan and for Mayhew. Every answer was well-written, and for that, developer, I commend you. It's difficult to write characters like Mayhew, and even more difficult to make them convincing. I genuinely believe that Mayhew believes he's doing what's best, and I can see how he'd get people on his side - how he'd get us, the player on his side. You've definitely moved the needle a little bit on my part, and I am genuinely loving the conflict I'm feeling when I'm playing through his scenes.
I'm very happy to hear all of that, actually! Honestly what's tricky is letting people have the option of drawing both conclusions: that he's evil and can't be trusted, or they would probably do the same in his shoes so he's not that bad. It's been a lot of fun reading the range of reactions and they're all fair. One of the themes I want to explore with BBN is how we choose to respond to people even when we KNOW we're being manipulated...but maybe we want to be.
is there a guide for every cg? i feel like i have used 30 hours just trying to unlock a few on chapter 6 and 7 cuz i want to see all of them.
but i cant seem to find the ways to open them so i'm guessing it's got to do with options made beforehand and i cant seem to get the right combinations down for them
There are a couple of bugs keeping a few images from unlocking. Those are fixed in the next release which I'll hopefully have done in the next week or two.
also love the story but i think i would had liked to see a more heartfelt moment when santino showed up at the door like a tear falling down alex's cheek to show how hard the betrayel was or a shortness of breath to alarm santino that the lies and betrayel was maybe more then alex could handle? i dont know ... something more then just a bit of anger
Some of that will be in the next update as the last of the options with his "Surprise" at the end of Chapter 12 is unlocked. But I hear you! Hoping to have more of that with Act 2 as the story switches gears to Alex learning more on his own rather than relying on others to tell him.
I'm not a doctor, so I can't comment on most of the medical stuff here... but I do have a degree in psychology, and when Alex describes the symptoms of PTSD as possibly being a tumor and definitely not psychological? That just... doesn't make sense. What's up with that? Is it just because Alex doesn't have a psych background and doesn't know what PTSD is about?
Edit/PS, actually if you could give me a quote about the text you're finding problematic, that would be amazing, as would any suggestions on fixing it. I'm searching the script for "trauma" and "PTSD" and have so far not been able to find this. So if you can help me understand a little better what part of the script jumped out at you like this, that would be a huge help. Thanks!
It does not mention trauma or PTSD in the text, because apparently Alex is completely unaware of these concepts despite being a doctor. But that's exactly what was described with Alex's symptoms. But yes, it's Alex's internal monologue.
Hey there. Since I'm not 100% certain what part(s) of the story you're referencing, I workshopped this a little on Discord. Are you referring to Alex's internal thoughts the day after (eg, panic attacks, etc)? If so, I'll take another look at that but if you could let me know in particular what was troublesome to you, that will help.
bro i think that mayhew/luca its kinda similar to an argentinian actor called nicolas furtado, check his instagram @furtadonico and see what i am talking about
So, I've just done a playthrough from scratch and it all worked as intended. Are you getting this screen at the end of Chapter 11? If not, your relationship with Nick isn't high enough.
"I want you..." unlocks the "I wanted Nick..." option.
"Ronan still has your heart." unlocks the "He deserved to be with Nick" option.
"Keep it as friends." unlocks the "I wanted a relationship on our terms..." option.
Yup. As long as you have a good relationship with Nick, this dialogue should come up in Chapter 11. The point being Nick needs to have some respect for Alex and care about his opinion. You can lose that respect if you're taking a pro-Mayhew stance or don't stand up for Seth when Ronan says he wants to take out of Alex's apartment.
just saw the Ronnia comments yay to a fix, cuse i was hopeing to submit to the werewolf lad can you walk me through the sound follow good or bad choice maby a visual to go with im never sure if the vamp is happy or not with my choice
So, I've purposefully decided to keep the relationship scores hidden, although there is a walkthrough here on Itch that will take you through Chapter 11. Generally, though, I'm not trying to hide much with Mayhew (aka the vampire). If you're polite, accept what he's offering and don't resist, you'll develop a good relationship with him. If you talk back or try to provoke him, you'll piss him off. In Build 0.8, I introduced what I'm calling the "Bell Tolls" mechanic, in which you can only really piss him off so many times before he loses patience and Alex loses... something more.
Hey. I think I figured out the issue and some of it was a misunderstanding of the question on my part. I just updated the Walkthrough, but you can also find an answer on Twitter and in a new post here.
Yes. To be frank, this was bad design on my part and I'm going to fix it in the next update, but to unlock it in this build you have to say you don't want to have sex with shifted werewolves. It was a dumb decision on my part; originally, the big new thing here was going to be the option to hook up with a fully shifted Ronan, but as I wrote that, I wanted something for folks who didn't want the monster-"lover" route. So, I wrote and rendered that. But, of course, there is no reason it shouldn't be available to everyone, so I'll fix that.
Question: When you selected "no werewolf sex" and you got to that scene, were both options locked off? Or was it still just the "human" option that was locked off?
So, I may know what's going on and I may have misunderstood which choice you were referring to. I had a couple people on Discord test this for me and also looked over the code. I posted something on Twitter that should help clarify the choices and what's going on (link). I'd write it here on Itch but I'm not sure what the rules are here on how explicit I can be, but I'll try. Here is a summary of the options and what needs to happen for them:
___ yourself with ______. -- This option is available only if you said you you did not want to see wolfy-bits. You had two opportunities to say "no". The first was with Connor in the coffee shop. The second was less obvious, but was with Nick and Ronan in the sewers in Chapter 10. If you did not express interest with Connor, or chose to have Nick not take a closer look at Ronan's "bits", then this should be the option you get.
Submit and ask him to _______. -- This is the monster-"lover" route in which he will shift to a full werewolf and have his way with you. This option is available only if you expressed interest with Connor AND had Nick take a look at Ronan's bits in Chapter 10.
____ him off. -- This is available for everyone.
Order him to let you ________. -- This is greyed out for everyone and is coming in the next update.
Release him. -- This is available for everyone
Leave him -- This is available for everyone.
In the next update, I'll unlock #1 for everyone. It was a bad coding decision on my part. I've also redone the menu/choices in the Nick/Ronan scene in Chapter 10 to clarify what the choice means.
I recently had the pleasure of playing the scene you made for RanliLabz. It's excellent. I hope to be able to enjoy the next chapter of your story soon.
I'd be happy to chat with you. Best way is to DM me either on Discord or Twitter. I won't be able to do a collab or assist in development but I'm happy to answer any questions and give some advice/suggestions.
damn the new character is HAWTTTTT. But i want more of Ronan lol. Cant wait for that BIG (if you know what i mean wink wink lol kidding) update in 0.9😊😊
I really liked the new chapter! Loved the new characters, and the steady reveal of more about what’s really going on. Also enjoyed seeing Luke again - he always seems to perfectly ride the line between ‘I hate him’ and ‘I wanna fuck him’ 😈
Glad you liked it this update. A bit more story focused but I tried to keep some sexy stuff in it. And always hard to balance exposition so it doesn't turn into boring monologue.
I just recently stumbled upon your VN. I play around with Daz Studio myself so I have a good idea of just how much work you have had put into this project.
Can you tell me what you are using for your character's genitals? I have yet to find any package that I've been happy with.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you! It is a lot and I've been learning as I go. I'm a bit ticked at Daz & Nvidia for changing how ghostlights work (or don't) in 4.20 but managing!
I'm a little anxious about tripping some sort of censor or filter for Itch on the asset but I got it on a site called Renderotica and the asset sounds like Dictator but has a "k" in there. It starts out comically large but with some playing around you can get some nice results. I have a couple other minor criticisms but they're pretty small.
I see a lot of 3D designers mention the horrible rendering times. Obviously there's your ROI to consider, but have you considered trying a cloud services' trial? Renting an array of GPUs for $0.50~$3 an hour seems imminently cheaper than buying them.
Mine really aren't bad at all as I have a 3080. Most renders are done with 5000 iterations at about 20 minutes, and I can run them overnight while I'm sleeping. This means pretty much anything I'm able to stage during the day is able to be rendered at night. My bottleneck isn't so much time as it is VRAM. My 3080 has 10 gb of VRAM, but if the number of assets in a scene exceed that, then the entire job gets dumped to the CPU. That's my bottleneck; I have to keep the scenes under 10 gb of assets (hair and fur are the biggest issues). But that only happens rarely and I've developed a few workarounds to solve it.
Absolutely. 99% of the work is done with Daz Studio. It's free to get started and includes some basic assets to begin playing with. Some great tutorials and videos on Youtube. After that I do some cleanup of the images in Photoshop. The new images in the next release will include more post-work in Photoshop to enhance the brightness/colors/etc., but most of the work is Daz.
First off I want to express deepest sympathies and hope you are getting better. During this troubling time, it is hard to bounce back.
Recently found this VN, which from the start I absolutely fell in love with it. Whats not to love about it. Gay Men who are absolute hunks, all of them. Vampires, Werewolves and all the different ways one can interact with each of the characters. Though I have to admit, it has been a suspenseful enjoyment with the Sudden cliff hanger we were left with at Chapter 11.5 and then with the knock of the door at the end of Chapter 11. I am literally on my seat waiting for more of this.
Wow. Thank you! I love that people are still learning about BBN and having such a great reaction to it! There are a lot of GREAT adult gay VNs out there but I wanted to do something a bit different with BBN. It's not for everyone (and I've learned a lot over the course of development), but I love it when folks find it and it resonates with them. I'm working on a lot of renders this month and can't wait to get this next update out to folks.
And thank you so much for the kind wishes on my health; I'm fine now but it was a longer, lingering virus in February that just would not go away -- thankfully not Covid, but still kicked my rear and left me utterly exhausted. I'm really happy to be feeling better the last three weeks and have the energy to dive back into BBN.
It is wonderful to hear about such a possitive turn around when it comes to health...i have been personally lucky as i self issolated 3 months before covid was actually has not been easy but i knew it wad the right thing to do.
As for the progression of BBN,this is the type of stories i want to hear more about...i mean yeah, its grest the media publicizes about the hetero side if Dracula and werewolves...but what about those who are not hetero who enjoy it just the same. On top of other elements i have enjoyed theough out the novel as well...
I will admit...if VNs were out there when i was a kid, maybe i could have passed english class the first time around...hehe
Ok, so this legitimately might be my fav VN ever. There's just so many choices and almost all of them have varying consequences. The plot also is very intriguing. I for some reason seem to like games where you can make potential ally/love interest absolutely despise you with your choices. I guess it makes the game feel more real. So far the development hasn't gone far enough for me to do that yet. But with all the variety I've seen, I think I'll be able to make at least one person wanna commit war crimes whenever they see me and I can't wait to do that!
Thanks for the comment! Glad you're loving the game. As for getting LIs to despise you, Ronan certainly starts out that way, but as for getting those who begin by liking you turn to hating you... let's find out! Love the feedback.
One of the things I love about this VN (and there are a lot) is how you're not being forced down any particular romantic path. With all the hot guys sniffing around Alex (some literally) you have the chance to enjoy a good romp with any/all of them.
I'm sure there will come a time when you'll have to likely start narrowing down your interest, but until then I enjoy having the opportunity to seek out some fun, hot, intense man-loving.
Hey I know you just released a public version just wondering how often is each update I really can't wait to play more lol just a estimate if you could
My predictions about when the next release will be ready have been really poor as of late so I hesitate to say anything except as soon as I can have it ready. :-)
I discovered this game on a recommendation, I didn't think I would like this game so much, the graphics are beautiful, the plot is exciting and the characters are very captivating, seriously it's very difficult to choose a path and a character to relate to, but there's no way not liking Connor's cuteness, this character won me over, my favorite in the game. But the differential of this game is that it shows the story from the perspective of two characters, I loved that. Congratulations on the work, it's an amazing game, one of the best I've ever played.
Found and binged in 2 days LOVED NEED MORE the story is amazing the shots great i dont think iv seen anything this good sense i found bound to collage a few years ago
Wow! Thank you! Definitely more to come! I'm currently writing the next chapter which will probably be released over two or three updates and finishing up a side project. As soon as that is done, my full attention will be back on BBN. Lots of fun stuff in store!
It should function like any other Renpy based game, in which the saves are stored in a separate location. So, deleting the game itself won't delete the saves. I do this all the time with updates on VNs where I just extract the new version and play it right from the new folder.
← Return to game
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when will the next public update come out?
Probably about one month. Should have it out to Patrons in the next day or two.
looking foward to next moth
I'm having trouble with downloading the android version it may just be my phone just wondering if something is wrong with the file
Hmm. You're the second person to say that. With past releases, it's usually been a storage issue on the device, but in this case I would say go to my Patreon page and download it from the public links available there (Mega or Media Fire). I'll try to re-upload the android file here sometime soon though and perhaps that will fix it.
great thank you so much I most definitely will 😊!
E também lembrando que o jogo está ótimo, estou esperando a nova atualização 🥰
Não sei se alguém já sabe, mais poderiam me informar no que o personagem principal vai se transformar
I hope Google translate worked for me. Four endings are planned but I haven't disclosed what those might mean for what Alex can become.
Espero que o Google Tradutor tenha funcionado para mim. Quatro finais estão planejados, mas não revelei o que eles podem significar para o que Alex pode se tornar.
obrigado era só uma dúvida mesmo
I played a lot of gay games but this is incredible. One of few greatest I've played. Everything here is awesome, especially the action-horror story is amazing and the sex scenes are extremelly turning on. So that I've had a dizzy. I'm glad that there is no straight or bi sex shown in the game. I'm looking forward to play the rest of BBN :)
I'm so glad you got it to work and enjoyed it! I've tried to do something different with the story and am so glad when people discover BBN and have this kind of reaction. ❤️
Pleasure is all mine :) Your game have my highest notes in every category.
I finished playing 2 days ago but I steel have the images before my eyes and I'm thinking of it constantly. The sex scenes are nearly perfect (the only thing is that it is pity that in threesome Conors cum is wasted...).
I hope that in completed game will be no straight or bi sex couse it would have been for me much disappointing.
Now I could donated You only 10 bucks here on Itch (witch I did) and I know I isn't much but I hope I will be able to donate You more soon :)
I'm sorry you're having that trouble. If you're having an issue downloading the files from Itch, that's probably something that needs to be directed to Itch's support team ( What I can recommend based on others experience though is trying to download via the links on my Patreon page. If you're downloading to an android, ensure you have enough available storage.
Ok, It works! I play it right now and so far it is great :)
I really loved this update with Mayhew! Even more than with Ronan (who was my favourite LI) I did not really trust him (I still don't) but after this chapter he has become the best developed charater in my opinion. I really like everything about him, except for the posibility of becoming one more of his possessions. I never thought I'd say this, but he would be amazing as a main love interest, since he is one of the most interesting characters. The problem is that I don't want the MC to become yet another one of his minions. I wish there was a love route with him where you ended up becoming an elder to be with him as an equal, even if it became morally gray at times (elders play by different rules after all!). Cherry on top would be Mayhew gifting Ronan to be our faithful pet.
Keep up the great work. This update has convinced me to support on patreon, perhaps next month or in February when I get paid again, since I am still paying for all the christmas presents and food!
Ahhhhh literally this!!!I have such a soft spot for a polt like ,,a vampire that hasn't felt love for centuries and is convinced that they can't suddenly is all silent panic over the realization that they have in fact fallen in love"<3
And I know that's probably unlikely to happen cuz this isn't technically a romance game but a bestie can dream (T▽T)
Love hearing this feedback from both of you! As the nominal antagonist in BBN, writing Mayhew is always a challenge. Striking a balance between menace and allure with a backstory that contains a fair amount of dark choices but still has a bit of moral ambiguity to it. But I spent a lot of time thinking about and researching his backstory, and it was fun to put a lot of it out there in this chapter. So glad you loved it.
Love this game! And now I shall wait for Act 2 to be finished to then replay this game (I'm very patient, I know).
Seeing the Connor/Alex/Seth scene give me hope that in the future poly/open relationship is possible. And Ronan is such an arrogant bastard, I hope the good doctor manage to tear down his walls and possibly date him or get him and Nick back together, or at the very least get him as far away from Luke as possible. Speaking of Nick, the font confused me at first and thought that his name is Mick and I was like "what?" Lol.
At any rate, I shall come back to this page once in a blue moon to see if Act 2 is finished (obviously won't be any time soon lol) and to avoid spoilers as much as possible. Great game. 10 out of wolf dick would get knotted again.
So glad you liked it! Poly/open is kind of the default as fundamentally this is not a dating game, but I am looking at adding two possible monogomy routes. Not better or worse, just a different path for those who want it.
OMG that's amazing. Thank you!
This game is awesome! Engaging story and characters everywhere you go. Will there be a harem route or you keeping it monogamous or friends with benefits situation?
Thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it.
I'm just now looking at implementing an optional monogomy route with a couple of characters, so it will mostly remain open but there are a couple of characters how, if you're "faithful", you'll get a slightly different ending. Not better or worse, I hope, but different.
I was sympathetic to Ronan, up until about chapter 10.
Now obviously Luke and Ronan are meant to be your morally ambiguous 'for the greater good' type antagonists, or at least, that's how their actions are framed. Up until chapter 10, I even believed that I might have the rug pulled out from under me and things weren't so black and white as they seemed. Obviously, there's some wider public benefit to the whole 'creatures' thing being kept under wraps, but ultimately it does serve Mayhew's own goals. But Ronan? Whose goal is (apart from Mayhew's whole... deal) Nick's safety and happiness? The man who is violently opposed to the idea of sacrificing a single life?
Yeah, dude, I get there's a whole
vampireelder mind-control issue going on, but there's a whole lack of remorse for the things you've done willingly. I don't see anyone really letting that slide any time soon, especially not Nick.I could be wrong about all of this, of course. There is dialogue about getting Nick and Ronan back together (or at least trying). And there's still plenty of rug left to pull. Happened with the truth about our good Italian doctor. Genuinely did not see that one coming.
Honestly, very impressed with what's been happening so far. The major characters all have solid enough motivations (my 'review' of his character, aka personality, is not my opinion of the character itself), the story is well-paced and picks off loose threads in a way that doesn't feel forced (e.g., how does Nick know about vampires; established early on, partly cleared up in chapter 11). All in all, eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Thanks for writing this and so glad you're enjoying it! There are always pro-vampire or pro-human sentiments, but Ronan's character seems to inspire the most divergent views, which I'm enjoying. We all view characters through the prisms of our own experiences and if I've managed to write these characters with enough depth that people are drawing different conclusions, I feel like that's a success! I know who he is, but it's a lot of fun for me to see how others are interpreting what they've seen so far. Not saying you're wrong or right (or that there is a wrong or right; people are complicated), but I love reading it. Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 13 will go public in about a week, which is almost entirely a 1-on-1 with Luke Mayhew. I wonder if it'll change any views!
Probably not in my case, but I'm willing to see what he'll try to convince me 😉
So, I'm curious and have to ask... if you've played Chapter 13 yet, did it move the needle?
I haven't yet, as I've been busy, but I do have the update downloaded and ready to go! I'll report back once I have, though!
Just finished Chapter 13!
So, character-wise, assuming that everything Luke said, for every question Alex asked, he told the truth, it would seem he's quite the tragic guy. But of course, Mayhew knows how to twist the truth - he's an Elder. So it's possible it's a half-truth, meant to allay Alex's curiosity, much like Alex can only half-promise to work with Mayhew.
As a person, when it comes to 'bad things for the right reasons,' in real life, these things are pretty cut and dry for me. Luke speaks of not wanting to become a monster, and even admits that he's always on the edge. He's hot, and charming, and tragic, which means he's perfect for a lot of people, but I wouldn't say he's for me.
Now as characters, the layers you added in this chapter are wonderful, for Ronan and for Mayhew. Every answer was well-written, and for that, developer, I commend you. It's difficult to write characters like Mayhew, and even more difficult to make them convincing. I genuinely believe that Mayhew believes he's doing what's best, and I can see how he'd get people on his side - how he'd get us, the player on his side. You've definitely moved the needle a little bit on my part, and I am genuinely loving the conflict I'm feeling when I'm playing through his scenes.
I'm very happy to hear all of that, actually! Honestly what's tricky is letting people have the option of drawing both conclusions: that he's evil and can't be trusted, or they would probably do the same in his shoes so he's not that bad. It's been a lot of fun reading the range of reactions and they're all fair. One of the themes I want to explore with BBN is how we choose to respond to people even when we KNOW we're being manipulated...but maybe we want to be.
is there a guide for every cg? i feel like i have used 30 hours just trying to unlock a few on chapter 6 and 7 cuz i want to see all of them.
but i cant seem to find the ways to open them so i'm guessing it's got to do with options made beforehand and i cant seem to get the right combinations down for them
There are a couple of bugs keeping a few images from unlocking. Those are fixed in the next release which I'll hopefully have done in the next week or two.
ahh fair enough :)
also love the story but i think i would had liked to see a more heartfelt moment when santino showed up at the door like a tear falling down alex's cheek to show how hard the betrayel was or a shortness of breath to alarm santino that the lies and betrayel was maybe more then alex could handle? i dont know ... something more then just a bit of anger
I just finish the game in less than 12 hours, love it and Mayhew is so hot! More of him please on next update.
Wow! I love that it's almost at 12 hours!!!
Yes, this next update is nearly all Mayhew and Alex. Working on renders for the last scene now.
Thanks for the reply. Can't wait!
Love the game and the storyline is great. I just wish that we get to explore Alex's dominant side too.
Some of that will be in the next update as the last of the options with his "Surprise" at the end of Chapter 12 is unlocked. But I hear you! Hoping to have more of that with Act 2 as the story switches gears to Alex learning more on his own rather than relying on others to tell him.
I'm not a doctor, so I can't comment on most of the medical stuff here... but I do have a degree in psychology, and when Alex describes the symptoms of PTSD as possibly being a tumor and definitely not psychological? That just... doesn't make sense. What's up with that? Is it just because Alex doesn't have a psych background and doesn't know what PTSD is about?
Hmm. Which chapter is that? I'll take a look.
Edit/PS, actually if you could give me a quote about the text you're finding problematic, that would be amazing, as would any suggestions on fixing it. I'm searching the script for "trauma" and "PTSD" and have so far not been able to find this. So if you can help me understand a little better what part of the script jumped out at you like this, that would be a huge help. Thanks!
It does not mention trauma or PTSD in the text, because apparently Alex is completely unaware of these concepts despite being a doctor. But that's exactly what was described with Alex's symptoms. But yes, it's Alex's internal monologue.
Got it. I'll see what I can do with that in future updates. Thanks for the feedback!
Hey there. Since I'm not 100% certain what part(s) of the story you're referencing, I workshopped this a little on Discord. Are you referring to Alex's internal thoughts the day after (eg, panic attacks, etc)? If so, I'll take another look at that but if you could let me know in particular what was troublesome to you, that will help.
bro i think that mayhew/luca its kinda similar to an argentinian actor called nicolas furtado, check his instagram @furtadonico and see what i am talking about
OMG he really does. That's amazing.
if so do i need to delete and redownloaded the game
just saw the update 10 mns ago was this a fix to something?
Not an update to the game, just an update to the Walkthrough document.
how can i get the option 'I wanted a relationship on our term,not mayhew's ' ?
Hey there. I just updated the Walkthrough document which should help answer this. Let me know if it still doesn't help.
thanks for the walkthrough but my problem still not solved. when release ronan 1st and 2nd option never unlocked whichever path i follow.
Hmm. I'll take a look at it today.
So, I've just done a playthrough from scratch and it all worked as intended. Are you getting this screen at the end of Chapter 11? If not, your relationship with Nick isn't high enough.

ok, i think i got it . thanks for the help. so i need to put an end to nick's path to get those two.
Yup. As long as you have a good relationship with Nick, this dialogue should come up in Chapter 11. The point being Nick needs to have some respect for Alex and care about his opinion. You can lose that respect if you're taking a pro-Mayhew stance or don't stand up for Seth when Ronan says he wants to take out of Alex's apartment.
mas o que é um relacionamento no termo deles ???
just saw the Ronnia comments yay to a fix, cuse i was hopeing to submit to the werewolf lad can you walk me through the sound follow good or bad choice maby a visual to go with im never sure if the vamp is happy or not with my choice
So, I've purposefully decided to keep the relationship scores hidden, although there is a walkthrough here on Itch that will take you through Chapter 11. Generally, though, I'm not trying to hide much with Mayhew (aka the vampire). If you're polite, accept what he's offering and don't resist, you'll develop a good relationship with him. If you talk back or try to provoke him, you'll piss him off. In Build 0.8, I introduced what I'm calling the "Bell Tolls" mechanic, in which you can only really piss him off so many times before he loses patience and Alex loses... something more.
looking forward to it and i also cannot acces the submit to ronan option even after choosing no werewolf sex
Hey. I think I figured out the issue and some of it was a misunderstanding of the question on my part. I just updated the Walkthrough, but you can also find an answer on Twitter and in a new post here.
Yes. To be frank, this was bad design on my part and I'm going to fix it in the next update, but to unlock it in this build you have to say you don't want to have sex with shifted werewolves. It was a dumb decision on my part; originally, the big new thing here was going to be the option to hook up with a fully shifted Ronan, but as I wrote that, I wanted something for folks who didn't want the monster-"lover" route. So, I wrote and rendered that. But, of course, there is no reason it shouldn't be available to everyone, so I'll fix that.
No worries, I'll just have to go back to the save, thanks so much for letting me know. Massive well done on the game overall, by the way!
Weird. That shouldn't be the case. I'll try testing it tomorrow.
Question: When you selected "no werewolf sex" and you got to that scene, were both options locked off? Or was it still just the "human" option that was locked off?
So, I may know what's going on and I may have misunderstood which choice you were referring to. I had a couple people on Discord test this for me and also looked over the code. I posted something on Twitter that should help clarify the choices and what's going on (link). I'd write it here on Itch but I'm not sure what the rules are here on how explicit I can be, but I'll try. Here is a summary of the options and what needs to happen for them:
In the next update, I'll unlock #1 for everyone. It was a bad coding decision on my part. I've also redone the menu/choices in the Nick/Ronan scene in Chapter 10 to clarify what the choice means.
I hope that helps clear things up!
I love all the characters but I really enjoy writing Ronan because I get to treat Alex horribly (yet still know what's going on in Ronan's head). =D
Glad you liked it!
Hi Bound by Night.
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it. I had a ton of fun making it and was so honored when Ranli invited me to.
Hello Bound by Night, I admire your work a lot. I want to start developing a game like that too and your pictures are amazing.
Can you give me a way to contact you so I can ask you some questions while I develop mine?
Would you be interested in a cooperation with me?
I'd be happy to chat with you. Best way is to DM me either on Discord or Twitter. I won't be able to do a collab or assist in development but I'm happy to answer any questions and give some advice/suggestions.
Can you tell me the tools you have used to create your game?
Especially the images, what advice would you give me to achieve my character appearance to look like yours?
Can you tell me what tools and programs have you used so far for your novel? especially the characters body features?
damn the new character is HAWTTTTT. But i want more of Ronan lol. Cant wait for that BIG (if you know what i mean wink wink lol kidding) update in 0.9😊😊
Hearing a lot of Ronan-love lately! ❤️ He's definitely returning soon, clothing optional. 😉😂
Well he is hot as hell and thats good especially the last part winkwink lol. Cant wait ❤
I really liked the new chapter! Loved the new characters, and the steady reveal of more about what’s really going on. Also enjoyed seeing Luke again - he always seems to perfectly ride the line between ‘I hate him’ and ‘I wanna fuck him’ 😈
Glad you liked it this update. A bit more story focused but I tried to keep some sexy stuff in it. And always hard to balance exposition so it doesn't turn into boring monologue.
I just recently stumbled upon your VN. I play around with Daz Studio myself so I have a good idea of just how much work you have had put into this project.
Can you tell me what you are using for your character's genitals? I have yet to find any package that I've been happy with.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you! It is a lot and I've been learning as I go. I'm a bit ticked at Daz & Nvidia for changing how ghostlights work (or don't) in 4.20 but managing!
I'm a little anxious about tripping some sort of censor or filter for Itch on the asset but I got it on a site called Renderotica and the asset sounds like Dictator but has a "k" in there. It starts out comically large but with some playing around you can get some nice results. I have a couple other minor criticisms but they're pretty small.
Emthese are going to be the most awaited 30 days of my life😅
I see a lot of 3D designers mention the horrible rendering times. Obviously there's your ROI to consider, but have you considered trying a cloud services' trial? Renting an array of GPUs for $0.50~$3 an hour seems imminently cheaper than buying them.
Mine really aren't bad at all as I have a 3080. Most renders are done with 5000 iterations at about 20 minutes, and I can run them overnight while I'm sleeping. This means pretty much anything I'm able to stage during the day is able to be rendered at night. My bottleneck isn't so much time as it is VRAM. My 3080 has 10 gb of VRAM, but if the number of assets in a scene exceed that, then the entire job gets dumped to the CPU. That's my bottleneck; I have to keep the scenes under 10 gb of assets (hair and fur are the biggest issues). But that only happens rarely and I've developed a few workarounds to solve it.
Hey, I love the game and the guys are hot
May I ask what software do you use to create them ?
Absolutely. 99% of the work is done with Daz Studio. It's free to get started and includes some basic assets to begin playing with. Some great tutorials and videos on Youtube. After that I do some cleanup of the images in Photoshop. The new images in the next release will include more post-work in Photoshop to enhance the brightness/colors/etc., but most of the work is Daz.
Thanks for the reply. It's been a while since I wanted to try to create a game, I didn't know how do to it tho.
Can't wait for the next update ;)
More Santino updates PLEASE (I just found this VN and it's so good!) Keep up the good work 🤩
Yay! I love that the "daddy" is getting some love! So glad you found BBN and are enjoying it!
First off I want to express deepest sympathies and hope you are getting better. During this troubling time, it is hard to bounce back.
Recently found this VN, which from the start I absolutely fell in love with it. Whats not to love about it. Gay Men who are absolute hunks, all of them. Vampires, Werewolves and all the different ways one can interact with each of the characters. Though I have to admit, it has been a suspenseful enjoyment with the Sudden cliff hanger we were left with at Chapter 11.5 and then with the knock of the door at the end of Chapter 11. I am literally on my seat waiting for more of this.
Wow. Thank you! I love that people are still learning about BBN and having such a great reaction to it! There are a lot of GREAT adult gay VNs out there but I wanted to do something a bit different with BBN. It's not for everyone (and I've learned a lot over the course of development), but I love it when folks find it and it resonates with them. I'm working on a lot of renders this month and can't wait to get this next update out to folks.
And thank you so much for the kind wishes on my health; I'm fine now but it was a longer, lingering virus in February that just would not go away -- thankfully not Covid, but still kicked my rear and left me utterly exhausted. I'm really happy to be feeling better the last three weeks and have the energy to dive back into BBN.
It is wonderful to hear about such a possitive turn around when it comes to health...i have been personally lucky as i self issolated 3 months before covid was actually has not been easy but i knew it wad the right thing to do.
As for the progression of BBN,this is the type of stories i want to hear more about...i mean yeah, its grest the media publicizes about the hetero side if Dracula and werewolves...but what about those who are not hetero who enjoy it just the same. On top of other elements i have enjoyed theough out the novel as well...
I will admit...if VNs were out there when i was a kid, maybe i could have passed english class the first time around...hehe
Ok, so this legitimately might be my fav VN ever. There's just so many choices and almost all of them have varying consequences. The plot also is very intriguing. I for some reason seem to like games where you can make potential ally/love interest absolutely despise you with your choices. I guess it makes the game feel more real. So far the development hasn't gone far enough for me to do that yet. But with all the variety I've seen, I think I'll be able to make at least one person wanna commit war crimes whenever they see me and I can't wait to do that!
Thanks for the comment! Glad you're loving the game. As for getting LIs to despise you, Ronan certainly starts out that way, but as for getting those who begin by liking you turn to hating you... let's find out! Love the feedback.
*is waiting patiently for next update we can fuc- I MEAN see! see who's behind the door*
Ha! Thanks. Hopefully soon. I've been sick most of February so going a bit slow at the moment.
hope you get better and don't you dare push yourself
One of the things I love about this VN (and there are a lot) is how you're not being forced down any particular romantic path. With all the hot guys sniffing around Alex (some literally) you have the chance to enjoy a good romp with any/all of them.
I'm sure there will come a time when you'll have to likely start narrowing down your interest, but until then I enjoy having the opportunity to seek out some fun, hot, intense man-loving.
Nick and Ronan's relationship is adorable. But I am curious about will there be Ronan and MC's romance?
That will definitely be an option.
Hey I know you just released a public version just wondering how often is each update I really can't wait to play more lol just a estimate if you could
My predictions about when the next release will be ready have been really poor as of late so I hesitate to say anything except as soon as I can have it ready. :-)
I discovered this game on a recommendation, I didn't think I would like this game so much, the graphics are beautiful, the plot is exciting and the characters are very captivating, seriously it's very difficult to choose a path and a character to relate to, but there's no way not liking Connor's cuteness, this character won me over, my favorite in the game. But the differential of this game is that it shows the story from the perspective of two characters, I loved that. Congratulations on the work, it's an amazing game, one of the best I've ever played.
Thanks for giving it a try and so glad it surprised you! ❤️
Found and binged in 2 days LOVED NEED MORE the story is amazing the shots great i dont think iv seen anything this good sense i found bound to collage a few years ago
Wow! Thank you! Definitely more to come! I'm currently writing the next chapter which will probably be released over two or three updates and finishing up a side project. As soon as that is done, my full attention will be back on BBN. Lots of fun stuff in store!
question do i have to delete and redownloaded the game for any updates or will my saves automatically keep going with the story?
It should function like any other Renpy based game, in which the saves are stored in a separate location. So, deleting the game itself won't delete the saves. I do this all the time with updates on VNs where I just extract the new version and play it right from the new folder.